Thursday, October 30, 2008


Well, life is life.
We have children - we never knew what it would be like, its beautiful and at times its really tough - we work with that - we endeavour to. Now, "Son pushing 16 proves difficult" would be my headline (and that would be mild to all the things I could say but am not ready to admin publicly). I would love to start my blog with something else, but its prevelent maintenant. Feeling it like "The Family" - Have u seen that show!? Yes thats how it is! And really now for the first time I don't blame the parents.

So, thats why I am up at 2am listening to David Gray and SWV on the headphones - some tranquility, some time to think, get things in perspective. This is it. Being strong enough to realise no matter how long it lasts that I am stronger. I don't want to lose this child after so long of nurturing and instilling the right things, but dammit - you can lead the horse to water.. but you can't make him drink right?

So Babylon, A place of peace
God help me

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