Thursday, November 20, 2008

Life Moan: Teenagers..

How do you? What do you? Where do you go when you are at the end of your tether? How far does this tether really stretch.. when you're sure its about to snap any moment. How long can we endure? What is the limit? AND when I reach the limit what option is REALLY open for parents like me?

I always thought bad kids were due to the parents.. with little ones maybe its true to an extent, but with teenagers, no matter how hard you showed them morals and the right and wrong way to do stuff, when they want to do something their way there are very few things you can do to stop them.

We reason, we talk, in fact I wrote a great poem explaining how it truly is to be enduring the parent of a teen. And its not a five minute phase they go through, but a really long thing- mine started at 11 with a few things, then the window smashing and a few more things, we've done therapy and boarding school and family holidays, we've tried living back at home now and at nearly 16 I can only say things have escalated in how much he thinks he has a right to do, he has a right to do this and that and to take what he wants and carry on with such an attitude.

Its very hard. We have had a couple of police incidents and a few more that they probably should have known about but we dealt with inside the family. Everybody wants the best for the child but they are so draining - now im finding that everyone's patience is used up. My blog is for the good the bad, the moans and the groans - and after all - This is My LIFE!!

I never thought I would lock up my things or suffer some of the stuff he has been doing - and the problems it causes between the parents when a child behaves like this are unavoidable. The whole family is suffering the teenage curse.

Its hard hard hard. I want help, there isnt really any. In France he is legally stuck to us until he is 18 though he has already tried to leave (at 15). I want some respite and thankfully have some friends who can offer me a weekend here and there to get some sleep and time to think and maybe one normal weekend with my man who only makes it home about one weekend a month).

Hmmmmmm - Life's Tests Huh!

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